Forth Favorites: Top Podcasts

Since Forth WILL be launching a podcast (along with a kickstarter) we felt it was appropriate to highlight our current favorite listens. Some business, some career, some FUN! Here goes nothing:

How I Built This: by Guy Raz

  • Many many MANY of you follow along with this incredible podcast by Guy Raz at NPR. The podcast interviews entrepreneurs, creators, and idealists to understand how they got to where they are. My favorite part about this podcast is they don’t hide the hard and bad of entrepreneurship. They talk bankruptcy and fraud and splitting of partners, etc. SO educational and interesting for any aspiring entrepreneurs!

Living Fully: by Mallory Ervin

  • Motivational and interesting! Mallory dives into everything from work priorities, mindset, family, motherhood, finances, everything! She’s a popular YouTuber and Instagrammer / influencer turned podcaster! Definitely worth a listen.

Room for Both: by Meredith Mayo and Nicole Shephard

  • Longtime friends processing the both-ands in life. Meredith (my sister) and Nicole discuss topics where you’re typically on one or the other sides of the issue. They discuss the serious and funny, religious and not, emotional and factual, etc.! They do an amazing deep dive on the enneagram!

The Morning Toast: by Jackie Oshry & Claudia Oshry (Girl with No Job)

  • Complete and total hilarity. It’s a daily “morning show” via podcast covering pop culture fast 5 stories every week day morning. They are sister based in New York who banter back and forth but also discuss celebrity news and gossip. Very entertaining and also great that they post 5 days a week. Big time #Toaster over here!

Common Space: by Michelle, Julia, and Ginger Ann

  • Finding commonality through stories and conversations about the human experience. This podcast talks about very interesting topics (mental health, racism, natural family planning, addiction, enneagram, and that’s just the beginning). Produced by moms who are eager to educate themselves and others on important topics! Great listen!

Go Forth and Podcast On!

ANDDDD….. get excited for Forth’s Podcast “So… What Do You Do” to uncover vague job descriptions and help you understand where you can apply and thrive in a 9-5.

Forth Favorites: Top Free Apps

In honor of National App Day, we figured a Forth Favorites blog post was in order! Below we’ve outlined which apps are crucial to our business and also which we just absolutely love! Check them out and see if you’re missing any true gems to life and business hack!

  1. CANVA (!!!!!) : Design Anything. Publish Anywhere.

    1. Canva is a lifesaver for all of us “non-creatives” (and creatives) who need and want to create digital designs completely for free.

    2. You can design anything from social media posts, postcards, invitations, websites, email templates, truly ANYTHING, completely for free. They provide tons of free templates and also have some paid options.

    3. You can also print them and delivered straight to you.

    4. Secret? The Overholt Family Christmas card was made and printed from Canva. It is a staple not only in Forth-land but in my household, as well.

    5. BIG BIG FAN

  2. PLANOLY: Simplifying Social Media Marketing

    1. Planoly is Forth’s social media scheduler which allows us to create content in advance so we can focus closer in on the day to day business, client work, admin, etc.!

    2. They have free and paid account options with varying levels of support.

    3. Highly recommend if you are someone who needs to post pretty consistent content to instagram.

  3. VOXER: Walkie Talkie app for team communication

    1. This seems CRAZY to say but this app has made living away from friends and family truly bearable.

    2. This app allows you to send instant voice memos that stay saved within your certain conversations. It allows for your personality and excitement to come through so you feel like you’re really staying connected with your people (versus only texting).

    3. You can also create groups of friends on the app so everyone can hear the updates on your life at once.

  4. GOOGLE PHOTOS: Free storage and automatic organization for all your memories

    1. Whether you have buckets and buckets of photos for your business / work reasons or just for personal the Google Photos app is a life saver.

    2. This simple app syncs with your phone and backs up your photos separately to an app which is also a website. This allows you to frequently back up your phone and delete photos to allow for more space (in iCloud, etc.).

    3. It also organizes by date and allows you to create “groups” which can identify photos with certain people's face and automatically pull photos into albums for you.

    4. Do I have a Lady album? Of course.

  5. TRELLO: Let’s you work collaboratively and get more done

    1. My husband actually introduced me to this app when we were planning our trip to Paris. It is a collaboration note taking app that allows multiple users and lots of flexibility in your lists and notes.

    2. I personally use it for Forth because I have a lot of thoughts and moving pieces around blog ideas and content / podcast ideas / podcast guests / personal to-do lists / event planning / client work / ETC.!

    3. The app has flexibility so you can move things around, create lists with different cards, change colors, add links, etc. etc.!

    4. Definitely recommend this for students and new professionals who have a lot “in their brain” and need a place to dump it all but stay organized!

Apps provide incredible amounts of efficiency and horsepower to the work we do in and out of our homes. I hope these five Forth Favorites help you in whatever you are going Forth in today, tomorrow, and the next day!

#GoForth #NationalAppDay #ForthFavorites