Unlocking LinkedIn

LinkedIn is a funny place. Where professionals, students, entrepreneurs, interns, alike gather and “socialize” and also search for a future career. However, if you’re seeking the keys to not only understanding but unlocking LinkedIn, here are 5 simple tips to implement in the new year!

Profile guidelines

Many job seekers feel their LinkedIn isn’t “good enough” to reference on their resume; however, truly the bare minimum is required to start utilizing its power! The main components to setting up your profile includes a professional and clear headshot, your current role, some high level experience background you can grab straight from your resume, and if you’re feeling generous you can update your header photo at the top and update your URL to be “clean” (i.e. www.linkedin.com/in/elle-overholt). Voila! You’re good to start connecting. 

Be social

As previously stated, LinkedIn is a social platform to connect. Therefore, the best way to optimize it and engage is to be social. That means finding a way to check it frequently. Personally, I allow notifications on my phone so it reminds me to click in and see my notifications. Share others articles, comment on posts, like updates, connect with new connections and networks.

Follow companies you admire

Finding and following companies you admire and connecting with employees who work there. This will allow you to see news articles, updates, job postings that are interesting to you. 

Take advantage of trainings and webinars

Taking free training and webinars is an easy way to prove to your current and future employers that you go above and beyond. In interviews, we all tout our desire to “keep learning” and “work above and beyond” and yet how do we actually prove that we do? Taking non-required training to be better in the workplace is the perfect way to exemplify it! LinkedIn has got you covered.

Apply then connect

The best part about LinkedIn is they have job postings and they have your network all in one place. In my opinion, that's what makes LinkedIn superior to any other job portal because you can dig in and see who you know that knows someone that knows someone that works for the company you’re interested in. Or you can see that the founder went to the same university as you, etc.! So the best advice is once you see a job and you want to hit submit, shortly after make a connection via direct message! Express your interest in the role and see if you can make an offline connection. You never know where that will take you in the application process.

Ultimately, LinkedIn is the best frontier for job seekers and career enthusiasts alike. It’s simpler than most expect and also provides an actual platform to make professional networks go the distance. Start connecting and unlocking LinkedIn! 

Go Forth!