Diversity in the Workplace

Learning, listening, reflecting, and acting. There is a lot going on behind the scenes that many of you won’t ever see, and that’s okay with me. Just know that I’ve also been brainstorming how I can help in a *tiny* way for those of you wanting to ensure your future employer values diversity.

Here are a couple ways to keep your eyes and ears peeled during the job search process:

  • Visit the company website and check out the board of directors and/or executive leadership team.

    • Do they have gender, race, and ethnic diversity within their own leadership teams?

  • Thought diversity matters too

    • It’s one thing to have diversity from a physical standpoint but what about thought diversity? Do they value everyone's opinions and perspectives? Do they welcome new ideas? These are good questions and examples to propose in an interview setting! Is there “one mold” of thinker?

  • What types of clients or customers do they serve?

    • Are they picky and particular with who they serve or do they serve everyone?

  • Is diversity reflected in internal management? 

    • Who would you be managing up to and who would you (now or future) be managing? Is diversity reflected?

What are other ways you have evaluated a company’s diversity upon interviewing? Help our Forth family do the same!