Prepare, Execute, Reflect, REPEAT.

Here it is everyone, the full blown reflection of what I learned running towards a huge milestone / goal for Forth:

Let’s not waste any time, here it is!

  1. Get out of your head:

    It is so easy to look around the room and think “who am I to speak to a room like this?” GET. OUT. OF. YOUR. HEAD. Take that thought to the grave. It’s important to remember it’s not about who is in the room but how you show up to it. It could be a small group of 5 students or 200 experts in the room, I want to show up 100% every single time.

  2. OVER practice:

    It sounds so trite and slightly obvious but it’s true. Put in on the calendar every single day prior to the event to run through it once. Once a day. Everyday.

  3. Put your notes down that morning:

    Do your prep in advance in order to relax the morning of! This is not ht time to prepare. You’ve earned this luxury due to practicing in advance.

  4. Water, coffee, water:

    I’ve said it once I’ve said it before: chug that H2O! I’m all for caffeine but it’s proven that water is a natural energizer. It’s more important to be hydrated than chugging coffee. The first water equals out the coffee and the second water hydrates you! So underestimated. So important!!!

  5. When the anxiety rises, name it and get excited about it:

    When you feel the anxiety in your chest right before, repeat after me:

    This is a good feeling. This feeling gives me energy. This feeling is excitement. I am READY.

These are easier said than done but the more you run through these tips before your big moment, the easier it will be the next time!

Go Forth & Prepare, Execute, Reflect!

#GoForth #PrepareExecuteReflect